Saturday, May 28, 2011


The time of revisions is upon me. I wrote the first draft of this book last summer. It’s titled “Beneath a Broken Sky”. I’m very proud of this one because it’s the first whole book that I’ve finished outside of NaNoWriMo. It’s been sitting patiently in the back of my hard drive, cooling and waiting for me to revise it.

Now, being the planning freak that I am, I’ve set myself a goal. I want to be finished revising this thing in less then two months. That means I should be sending it out to Beta readers at the end of July (hopefully sooner). I want to see how quickly I can charge through theses edits. I already know who long it took me to write the book (5 months, which was longer then it should have taken because I “strayed from the path” a few times in the middle).

My attack plan is set. This weekend I’m going to finish the last of my world building and map drawing (I think I’ve drawn more maps for this book then for all my other books combined >_<). Next week I start biting into the actual text. I’ll have to make a widget to mark my progress with.

Beneath a Broken Sky is officially on the editing chopping block. Time to make it bleed.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Evil Computer

I've decided that computers are devices that promise you everything, lull you into the illusion of safety then crush your very soul...

Did I mention that my computer crashed? Actually it got a virus and deleted all my files (I had backups, fortunately, so I didn't lose everything). After hours of hair pulling I finally cleaned out the virus, but(!) when I try to reload my backed up files, the computer says that they are still there... I just can't see them or open them or delete them. In other words I can't do anything. My main tech guy is going to look at it tomorrow. I'm probably going to have to wipe the whole thing and start from scratch.

So if you see a nuclear mushroom cloud rising above the mountains of North Idaho, don't worry, that's just my head exploding. (and with my luck I'll finally get the computer fixed and then the world will end at 6:00 PM *rolls eyes*).

Hope everyone else's month has been better then mine >_<