My Hero:
This one is funny because he was actually one of my main villains in my last book, but for some reason he seems like a good guy to me now.
My Heroine:
I was really excited when I found pictures of Olivia Wilde. She fits my Heroine perfectly (except for the eyes and the hair, but as you can see I "fixed" that in photoshop).
My Hero and Heroine's son:
When I was first thinking about my Hero and Heroine's son I thought he would just be a side character, but he's really blossomed into a full main character now. Even more so than his mother I think.
My Villain (#1):
It just makes me laugh to have "James Bond" as my Villain ;-)
Villain (#2):
This is my Heroine's direct antagonist.
Villain (#3):
Yep, you probably guessed it. This is the Son's main antagonist.
So those are my Main Characters. Now it's on to week three: The Collage.